Yolanda Johnson "Violet Flower" Album Review
Album Description
Yolanda Johnson is poised to expose the phenomenon of female empowerment, beauty, and class. Let's face it, those of us who were born as a result of the Motown era watched an explosion of soul music throughout the world increasingly become ignored by the mainstream. Yolanda will set the record straight. This independent soul-singer and songwriter brings a refreshing energy of understated sexuality and social commentary. She rescues us from track hopping and takes us back to the day when all you had to do was just push 'play'.
Video Yolanda Johnson Music Video "Individual"
The first video from Independent Meta Music Recording Artist Yolanda Johnson. This is an anthem for all ages
Joy Denalane "Born and Raised" Album Review
Joy Denalane is a siren! Her voice can soothe, enrage, move, and engage. However, a good intro to Joy's music is her debut album, "Mamani," which is almost entirely in German, save for a nice cover of "I Cover the Waterfront." On "Mamani" you'll gauge the depth of her soul and really FEEL her as she sings, even if you don't understand a lick of German! (She was "born and raised" in Berlin, Germany; her father is a black South African; and her late mother was a white German.)
That's not to say that "Born & Raised" isn't also very soulful, but that as an African American-targeted all-English album, she has risked sameness by diving into a vast ocean of other highly talented American soul-singers. In her quest to appeal to an American market, she has managed to somewhat extinguish what truly distinguishes her.
But her saving grace is the fact that SHE CAN SING, and beautifully! Joy has most certainly done her soul music homework, so one needn't doubt her ability to aptly express the emotionality, and mixture of pain and "joy" that define the genre. Her lyrics are always intelligent, empowering and poetic.
So, "B&R" is a great album, but not as inspired as "Mamani," which I encourage those who haven't yet to check out first, or at least buy it along with "B&R."
Video Born And Raised
´Concert Frankfurt 9/23/2006
Various Artists "Club R and B 22" Album Review
Album Description
UK compilation featuring 22 classic & rare floorshakers from such artists as Dobie Gray, Darrell Banks, Erma Franklin, Al Wilson, Charlie Rich, The Capreez, The Cooperettes, & more. Music Club. 2004.
O D "On the Other Side" Album Review
Excellent for non-musicians
I just listen to music, don't play an instrument or read music. This set greatly helped me know just WHAT was making the sounds I heard, and what the various instruments are capable of doing and the range they have. I still can't distinguish a violin from a viola very well---but I'm getting better. Overall I'm quite satisfied and plan to see if my grandchildren are interested.
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