Talent "Talent Show" Album Review
How about that?
Every weekend, somewhere in America, there's a talent show going on. People get up on stage in front of their community and give it their all. This particular talent show was held at a church. It features children from the parish and residents from several nearby nursing homes. There are plenty of missed notes and false starts, with a piano accompanist soldiering on through it all. But, more importantly, there are genuine human interactions and honest impromptu moments galore. These are hearfelt performances by people who could be your neighbors, if you're lucky.<p>This show took place on June 12, 1981. It should be pointed out that this was the show that Jack Mudurian was "discovered" at. He got up on stage and started singing a bunch of old songs, and he kept on going until he was dragged off stage. Besides Jack, there are plenty of other entertainingly bad performances here. One of the highlights is when three kids with their own "band" try to play "Here Comes the Sun". After a few false starts, they finally give up and just have the drummer play a solo. Recommended to fans of "so bad it's good" music.
Video Replacements - Talent Show
The Mats on some music awards show, from the late 80s.
Nadiya "Nadiya" Album Review
Buy the DVD version..!!! It comes with the CD also...
The videos are excellent, so I recommend that you buy the DVD/CD version on Amazon.com(France) so you have the both the Videos and the CD also. E X C E L L E N T ! ! !
Video Nadiya - Amies-Ennemies
Nadiya - Amies-Ennemies.avi
Hikaru Utada "Ultra Blue" Album Review
undiscovered goldmine
If you are new to Japanese pop culture, as I am, or not familiar with it at all, you probably have no idea just how big a deal Hikki is. Americans have no idea what they are missing. Her voice is amazing, her lyrics are beautiful and I can't recommend her highly enough.
This CD is a good place to begin. Blue, Be My Last are great songs. Some lyrics are in English but its mostly in Japanese. Translations are easy enough to come by on the the internet. And, anyway, how many times can you not understand some lyrics sung in English anyway.
Video Hikaru Utada "Passion" (Story Never Ending Mix)
Remix video for "Passion" by Hikaru Utada. Edited by Tienpawa, DarkMarill, and LaydeeKurenai. Remix by Mikie. (From the album "Ultra Blue").
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