Sunday, December 16, 2007

Prince "3121", Javier "Left of Center"

PRINCE - 3121

Prince - 3121
1.3121 [4:30]6.5 Mb
2.Lolita [4:05]6.6 Mb
3.Te Amo Corazon [3:35]5.4 Mb
4.Black Sweat [3:10]4.7 Mb
5.Incense and Candles [4:04]6.2 Mb
6.Love [5:45]9 Mb
7.Satisfied [2:49]3.9 Mb
8.Fury [4:01]6.7 Mb
9.The Word [4:11]6.9 Mb
10.Beautiful Loved and Blessed [5:43]8.8 Mb
11.The Dance [5:20]8.3 Mb
12.Get on the Boat [6:18]10.8 Mb

Prince "3121" Album Review

(2.5 stars) Nowhere near Musicology, let alone Purple Rain
For the first time in his career, Prince seems to be out of ideas. So he does one of two things: either falls back on his old reliable clichés (title track, an admittedly enjoyable mix of party clichés; "Black Sweat" and "Love", poor "When Doves Cry" rehashes), or sets his sights for the Urban Contemporary market ("Incense and Candles"; "Beautiful, Loved and Blessed"; "The Dance").I assume he could be doing much worse, but I'd rather not hear him run over the same old ground. Needless to say, the days of Prince blending multiple genres into one song are over: the only major experiment is the Spanish tinged love ballad "Te Amo Corazon", and I'm not so sure what I think of that one. The good news is Prince still can make some good music in this comfortable little nostalgia mode of his: I've gotta admit that "Satisfied" is a hell of a ballad; and "Lolita" is funky as anything Prince has ever done; "Fury" boasts a few scorching guitar parts; "Get on the Boat" has all kinds of enthusiasm and fun horns, and best of all, a pair of sax solos from Maceo Parker, who proves that he still has a lot of talent left in him; the title track is very entertaining and danceable, even if I don't like the computerized voiceover. But I think that Musicology is a much better record: it's got more of Prince's personality, that's for sure. There are no real distinguishing features of 3121 - he sounds like, I don't know... Chris Brown or someone like that. And that's not good. And forget social relevance - another thing Musicology had at least a bit of. Well, at least there's no absolute crime against humanity to it. Then again, this is Prince we're talking about, and not Souljah Boy.

Video Prince 3121 Concerts on 777

Prince Fans heading to concert. He went 12 hours, playing three concerts for his hometown fans. Witnessed the Target concert. What a Revelation!!!


Javier - Left of Center
1.You're the One [4:05]5.4 Mb
2.Indecent Proposal [4:05]6.2 Mb
3.Wassup [3:49]5.6 Mb
4.Dance for Me [3:36]5.1 Mb
5.The Answer is Yes [3:21]4.7 Mb
6.Is this Love [3:36]5 Mb
7.Poetry [3:58]6.2 Mb
8.Count on Me (featuring Anthony Hamilton) [4:12]5.3 Mb
9.Once We Start [4:22]6 Mb
10.Can I Talk to You [4:04]5.9 Mb
11.Ways I'm Feeling U [4:10]5.8 Mb
12.Lovin U [5:24]6.4 Mb
13.Dance for Me (featuring Luna) (Reggaeton remix) [3:34]5 Mb

Javier "Left of Center" Album Review

One of the most underrated R&B artists in the game
The reason why I started paying attention to Javier a few years ago is because he had a really catchy song out called "Crazy". So I picked up his self-titled album and highly enjoyed it, but apparently I was one of the only people that bought it. I didn't even know he HAD a second album, but I came across Left of Center one day, and I find myself enjoying IT as well.

The album starts off on the right track with the funky "You're the One". After that you'll be introduced to other noteworthy selections, like "Ways I'm Feeling U", "Poetry" and the Anthony Hamilton duet, "Count on Me". And while some people might think "Lovin' U" is a little too simple, it suits ME just fine. Also, for those pondering the quality of the material, "The Answer Is Yes" is aptly titled.

Even though "Dance for Me" (and its reggaeton remix) are blatant attempts to get onto 106 & Park, the rest of the album is prize material. But I wonder what version of the album I have because I don't have "Can I Talk to You" on here. Oh, well; Javier's self-titled album is a tad better, but Left of Center is definitely worth the purchase.

Anthony Rupert

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